Ref : YE-7-1069

About Me
My name is Malak. I'm a 15-year-old girl.
Sponsorship Type

Orphan Sponsorship



Health Status


Education Status

4th Grade

Parent Status

Father deceased; Mother alive

My Story


Orphans story 

My name is Malak and I am 15 years old. I was born in Al-Hasaba in Yemen and I currently live in Al-Dari. My father died when I was only 4 years old. I have 5 brothers, four of whom are younger than me. I help my mother with household chores and do my best to learn the skill of embroidery to earn a living to help my mother. I I am currently in the ninth grade and I love drawing and I hope to be a fashion designer to support my mother and brothers.

اسمي ملاك وعمري 15 سنة ، ولدت في الحصبة  في اليمن وأعيش حاليا في الدائري ، توفى والدي عندما كان عمري 4 سنوات فقط ، لدى 5 اخوة اربعة منهم اصغر مني ، أساعد أمي في الأعمال المنزلية وابذل قصارى جهدي لتعلم مهارة التطريز لكسب الرزق لمساعدة امي ، انا حاليا في الصف التاسع واحب الرسم واتمنى ان أكون مصممة ازيا لدعم امي واخوتي .